Sim's Warmup

This process will allow you to set up two SIM cards and have myCRMBOT talking in each of the accounts to warm them up. This will help to ensure that they have some conversation history and make them less likely to get blocked


  1. Install the myCRMBOT Snapshot into two separate sub-accounts

  2. Setup and install the SIM cards you want to warm up in each of these sub-accounts

  3. Create a "Test" contact in each sub-account for each phone number

  4. Create 2 bots. One to tell jokes, and the other to tell random facts. You may adjust these if you wish to make them more relatable to your niche

  5. Setup one bot workflow with the web-hook in one of the sub-accounts and the other bot workflow to fire the web-hook in the other sub-account.

  6. In order to avoid your clients going to either bot, update the filter with the phone number of the other sub-account.

  7. Send the first message manually to begin the process.

  8. Leave the workflows on for 3-5 days to ensure that you build some history. You may leave this running at the same time as you start using the SIM card for real use cases.

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