What features do and do not work in HL?

Please see the comprehensive list of features and how they function in HL and myCRMSIM.

In most cases, functionality is just as normal, but in some cases, we have provided a custom snapshot for you to install in order to use some of the features, such as missed call text back.

We recommend not setting the myCRMSIM app as the default SMS provider on the phone.

If myCRMSIM is not set as default SMS app then clients do not even have to use the Lead Connector App to have SMS conversations it just goes straight to their phone and they can carry on as normal.

However, any messages they send straight from the phone will not appear in the HL conversation box.

If myCRMSIM is set as the default provider on the phone it will take over the SMS app inbox and make that un-useable.

(*if viewing on mobile turn to landscape mode for better table viewing)

SMS Action Send Success / FailRespond and ReceiveNotes
Single SMS from contact page Success Success Send and receive from universal inbox
Workflow send text SuccessSuccessSend and respond to SMS from workflow automation
Mass SMS SuccessSuccessUse drip mode only. You should not send more than 1 SMS per 60 seconds and abide by the carriers fair use policy
Missed call text back SuccessSuccessWill operate through workflow as long as the phone carrier sends a missed call text. See snaphot
Chat Widget SuccessSuccessSend and receive messages through chat widget
Send Emojis in text SuccessSuccessUse of emojis in text
Send Emoji in Workflow SuccessSuccessUse of emojis in workflows
Like or heart responses N/A SuccessReacting to messages with 👍🏻 or ❤️. Will not work if myCRMSIM app is set as the default on phone
Overseas messaging SuccessSuccessWill work as long as carrier supports overseas SMS
Queued Messages if phones off / out of range SuccessSuccessSent messages are queued and sent shortly after phone is turned on. Received messages come through but can take up to an hour sometimes
Google Review SuccessSuccessWorks with our workflow - not with standard send review button - see snapshot
Stop / Unsubscribe SuccessSuccessPlease install our snapshot to ensure that you comply with Stop on response
MMS attachment image SuccessPartial SuccessCan Send but received MMS appears in the phone inbox but is not received into HL. File size must be under 800kb
MMS attachment video SuccessPartial SuccessCan Send but received MMS appears in the phone inbox but is not received into HL. File size must be under 800kb
MMS image in workflow SuccessPartial SuccessCan Send but received MMS appears in the phone inbox but is not received into HL. File size must be under 800kb
MMS video in workflow SuccessPartial Success Can Send but received MMS appears in the phone inbox but is not received into HL. File size must be under 800kb
Internal AI Chatbot SuccessSuccessThe built in HL chatbot does work but we recommend using the provided myCRMBOT that comes with your account
Internal SMS notification Success Success Send and respond to SMS from workflow automation
Android PhoneCall Success / FailRespond and ReceiveNotes
Calls inboundSuccessSuccess
Calls outboundSuccessSuccess
Phone CallsSend Success / FailRespond and ReceiveNotes
Twilio / Lead ConnectorSuccessSuccessYou can integrate Twilio or Lead Connector to make calls in HL if you wish

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