Does this work on an iPhone?

We do not generally recommend using a clients own phone number so whether they have an iPhone or and Android phone it is best practice to setup a seperate number for the business.

The reasons for this are:

  1. Automations - if you have automations setup and your clients phone is off or out of signal any automations will stop working until they turn the phone back on or get signal back
  2. Privacy - if you use a clients personal phone all their messages will come into the myCRMSIM dashboard, even if they do not get pushed into HL. This may mean that private, personal or sensitive information is within our platform which may be a breach of privacy or security
  3. Getting blocked - if there is a mass sms blast not done in drip mode it is possible to get the SIM card blocked. You do not want to be responsible for your client losing their existing number they may have had for years in some cases

To setup a new number you will need an Android phone with an active SIM plan on which to install our app that connects the new number to your High Level account. You cannot install myCRMSIM on an iPhone.

Many clients will have an Android phone sitting spare in a drawer that can be used if you ask them and this can easily be setup using our White Label App install instructions and a SIM plan making it extremely cost-effective for unlimited SMS compared to Twilio or any other SMS option on the market.

Once setup everything works seamlessly with the HL Lead Connector App so clients that have iPhones can continue to use their iPhone and the LC app to receive and respond to messages as normal.

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