myCRMWhatsApp Installation and Setup

Step-by-Step Guide to Connect WhatsApp to myCRMSIM Account

  1. MyCRMSIM account
  2. WhatsApp installed on your phone, this can be an iPhone or Android phone
  3. An Android phone set up for SMS (only required if using SMS as a backup)

    1. Access Integration Settings:

      • Log in to your MyCRM account using your admin credentials.
      • Navigate to the **Integration** section.

    2. Connect to CRM:

      • If not already connected, click on **Connect to your CRM**.
      • Follow the prompts and select all necessary options.

    3. Link Sub-Account SIM:

      • Go to your **Sub-Account SIM**.
      • Click on **Connect Locations** and link your desired locations.
    • Ensure that your sub-account is connected to the myCRMSIM custom provider in the settings.

    4. Manage Subscriptions:

      • If necessary, purchase a subscription via the myCRMSIM website.
      • Adjust the quantity as needed, or set it to zero to cancel.

    5. Connect WhatsApp:

      • Click on **Connect WhatsApp**.
      • Choose one of the following methods:
        • Connect Now:
          • Scan the displayed QR code with your phone.
    • Send Link:
      • Enter the client's email, select WhatsApp, and send the connection email.

    6. Link Device to WhatsApp:

      • Open WhatsApp on your phone.
      • Tap on the three dots at the top right and select **Linked Devices**.
      • Tap on **Link a Device** and scan the QR code displayed on your computer screen.

    7. Verify Connection:

      1. Refresh the MyCRMSIM page to confirm that WhatsApp is now connected to your account.

    8. Configure Messaging Preferences:

      • Choose between sending:
        • WhatsApp only (can be iPhone or Android)
        • WhatsApp with SMS as a backup (requires Android phone)
        • WhatsApp and SMS together

    9. Send Messages:

      • Go to your contacts and send messages through the selected channels.
      • Confirm that the messages are sent and received on the respective devices.

    Additional Notes:

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