Should I have the phone or my client?

Should I have the phone or my client?

This is entirely up to you.

Some agency owners like to manage and keep the phones in their office for the client and run them as a completely separate number purely for SMS messaging for the business.

Other Agency owners may provide the phone or even use a client's existing phone, if they have an Android phone already, to run myCRMSIM directly on.

We have seen and used a mixture of both and there are advantages and disadvantages to both scenarios.

If you are having the client set up their own phone please get a copy of our Whitelabel App install instructions that you can use as your own to make the setup very simple for your client and you,


We do not recommend using a client's existing phone if you are doing any sort of Data Base Reactivation or Chatbot automation where there is constant SMS going back and forth. In these scenarios, you should get a separate number and ensure that there is no possibility to  comprise a client's existing SIM in anyway at all.

Agency Owner Keeps The Phone

Complete control of setupClient cannot receive calls through the phone
Ensures phone is always on
Easy to manage and troubleshoot if there are issues

Client Keeps The Phone or Uses Existing Phone

Easy setup using our whitelabel app install instructions
No need to get a new number, client can keep theirs and use their own existing phoneNo control over phone if it is turned off or out of range/signal
Messages and calls can go straight back to the ownerMore difficult to troubleshoot with non technical clients but can be done remotely with Zoho Assist

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