Installation & Setup

Integrate myCRMSIM with your HL Agency Account

Setting up your myCRMSIM Account is very simple please see our video overview and step by step guide below:

NOTE: Our mobile app has now been updated to a Gray Label version. Installation documents and process is still the same and will be updated with new videos and imagery in the coming weeks.

Video Overview

Step By Step Guide

  • Create your myCRMSIM Account after purchase and login
    • Click on "Integration", connect to your Agency account in HL and import all sub-accounts
    • #Note you must be logged into your Agency Admin at account to be able to connect, not just your White Label url.
Integrate myCRMSIM with your HL Agency Account
Integrate myCRMSIM with your HL Agency Account

Connect Your Sub-accounts 

  • Go into Sub-account SIM and Toggle on the accounts that you wish to use and click Connect and go Back to List
    • You will only be allowed to connect as many accounts as your plan allows
Toggle on accounts you wish to connect to myCRMSIM
Toggle on accounts you wish to connect to myCRMSIM

Update The Custom Provider in HL

Go into the Phone settings in HL and update the custom provider to set myCRMSIM as the default

Update the sub account Custom phone provider to myCRMSIM in HL<br>Do not select the myCRMSIM Beta option as that is for staging and testing only
Update the sub account Custom phone provider to myCRMSIM in HL
Do not select the myCRMSIM Beta option as that is for staging and testing only

Install myCRMSIM App on Your Android Device

  • Install the myCRMSIM app on your phone by typing into your phone Chrome browser
    • You must Allow ALL permissions including to run in background
      • We recommend to NOT set app to default for SMS provider
      • We recommend to turn off RCS
      • Disable Auto Updates or the phone can update and shutdown
    • Click on Add device & sign in on phone using the QR Code in popup
    • Click the red play button to start the app operating
    • Click on the Device Name in the dashboard to update the name to match your sub account it is for, this will make it easier to find when attaching to a Sub account. *Note if the device details are updated already this does not need to be done
Install app, allow all permissions and then press play to start app
Install app, allow all permissions and then press play to start app
click on Add Device & sign in with QR code on dashboard & Scan the QR code to sign in on the mobile app
click on Add Device & sign in with QR code on dashboard & Scan the QR code to sign in on the mobile app
Update the device name in the dashboard
Update the device name in the dashboard

Connect matching phone SIM to the sub-account in your dashboard

Select the sim card for the sub-account and save
Select the sim card for the sub-account and save

Start Texting! ๐Ÿ’ฌ ๐Ÿ˜€

We also recommend that you install our snapshot on any subaccount to ensure that you have Stop on response DND working to stay compliant as well as utilising other features we have made for myCRMSIM to operate efficiently

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Before you get started
Adding Multiple SIMS